what a Beautiful Name.
what a Beautiful Name.
Son of God, Son of Man
Lamb that was slain
caron xu jiahui
bethesda bedok-tampines church; Youth Church
NUS Nursing

Lamb that was slain
i love the king and he loves me.
caron xu jiahui
bethesda bedok-tampines church; Youth Church
NUS Nursing

"For i have plans for you,"
declares the Lord,
"plans to prosper you
and not to harm you,
plans to give you a hope and a future."
-Jeremiah 28
joy and peace, strength and hope
grace that blows all fear away.
im so dead.
feeling so lifeless and dead.
did maths just now.my new tuition teacher..and i dono? tink her teaching quite weird..like she mk no sense n ya..dun tink its the correct way but oh well.
haiya.mondays test dono how i gonna do. lord please help me.
i did well for chi test.41.5 upon 50!! really thank god..i studied really hard n crazy for that.i saw others nv study as hard as i did n got like so high..but oh well.i cant let the devil distract me wif that.im happy i got so high marks.
den pz so irritating.the nt day i was reading my book in his class.he wanted us to do the suo duan chang wen.den he say i get high marks dis time doesn mean i will do wellfor the nt.so walao. is he sayin i proud or wad.got quite stung.
i veh tired.
and im so fed up with myself.simple problem i cant solve.
today so tired.
skool den guides n tuition.
and anw bought my wallet.pooh.12.90..at mini toons..den i walk to intrchg saw a wallet which was quite nice n it was 8!! i was so iritated.n my pooh wallet is fat! so bulky.oh hecks. dowan to tink bout dis stuff.i areadi gave it to god. dowan mk myself feel worse.
tmr s gonna be a long day too.
sleepwalkingmy heart burns for you'
you see past all my lies.
ah haah.
i wanto buy a wallet.but i dono if i shuld..m i wating money? coz i got few purses at hm.but i dowan use purse.2 actualli.n a wallet which i tink doesn suit me.but haiyuh. i dono..n im tinkin of buyin the fox shirt.n the billabong wallet.its 27.90...izit ex? quite nice though.its yellow.
anw..i studied so hard for toidays chi test.if i fail.i tell you im so gonna cry lah.hai. but i have prayed to god bout it so i wun.
haha.anw today i went so mad la.in skool.doin ushers song n all the stupid stuff. so spastic.n i oso did the alarm..hahas..
shuckx.forgot got chi li jie wen da.compre.haiyuhhh.
i gtg and doo!!!
i love you_____________more than lifemy heart burns for you'
you see past all my lies.
went teri's hse to make the tiramisu yest.well turned out it wasn chilled enuf.oh wells.
anw.got chi test on tues.n im so sian studying it.
i hate chinese.
cny was ok..ate alot.shuckx. so piggy.haiyo! can see all the fats cumin out.:(
anw now listenin to immortal.brings back alot of horrible memories.
but i thank god.
he has taken all my pain n stuff. erased my memory.
and i forgot wad i wanted to say.
haiyuh.it sucks to haf bad memory.
oh i bought jeans! ahaha! my first pair of jeans dat reali belongs to me. n i bought 1 racerback.one sleeveless at fox. one cardigan at bossini.jeans fm there too.n a skirt fm fox! im so hapy.im gonna buy a wallet too.get a proper one.my pink one is geettin soo black. yuck.
gor forgot to bring his phone to camp.so im gettin it dis week.haha.
but no bringin to skool..dads orders. n he is so irritating.comparing my pocket money n wanting to cut down.crazy.
my world revolves arn studying.
how boring is that. well at least i dun haf any distractions.
well..just afew matters but i wun tink bout them.
ok.its 930 i shuld be off now.
only at H of the sec 2 er shang.
god in you i trust.
help me//my heart burns for you'
you see past all my lies.
went lene's chrch today. went mad durin worship.not dat mad la.
haha. anw enjoyed myself. e ppl quite mad n laohong.specially lene's cell..hahas..and i made a covenant wif god! to stay single til 19. but im gonna mk it 20 or 21.yup. so guys stay out of my rship way! hahas. im not gonna waste time thinkin bout stupid things but rather spend it on my close frens n god n studies.
yupp. anw five for fighting rocks. think nyc report n something bout you is so nice.
anw. tmr nite is gonna be soooo exciting!!! there is black hawk down!! got ORLANDO BLOOM, EWAN MCGREGOR, AND JOSH HARNETT!! ahhh. they r all so cuteee! ahhahaha. *grins widely. im so gonna watch.
and mondya theres noooo tests! so happy.haha.only got stupid ting xie.haha. im so happy. n tmr got project. goin lene's hseeeeee.mayb goin to swim in the evening.=]
we are all god's prince/princess.
so EVERYBODY! love urselves! never think u are not good enuf. coz god's love is unconditional and he loves you soooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo much!my heart burns for you'
you see past all my lies.
im researching now.
for tsunami..n wad singapore did to aid..
woah..din noe we did so much..
listenin to NYC weather report by five for fighting..
its so nice..hahas.so happy gor got the cd..
i thank god!!
i did so well for lit! =] and im so happy..least sumting i did well for..kinda encouraging but kinda depressing..hahass.
ok.i feel mad.anw i went mad in skool today.
singin usher's yeah.den i was snapping my fingers n lizard saw me n he lafed.charlene was so amused..hahas..n i felt so spastic.
goin lene's chrch tmr.
yupp.im gonna wait for my true love.ahhahas. how romantic it will be.
and it is so shiook now.i dun like anybody.im just so focused on god n my studies..=] hahas.
im so happy.
im so happy.
i feel like dancin.but its so hot.
ooooOOOSSSSSsssshhhhHH*my heart burns for you'
you see past all my lies.
at the foot of the crooss
where grace and suffering meet
you have shown me your love
through the judgement you received
and you've won my heart
and you've won my heart
now i can
*trade these ashes in for beauty
and wear forgiveness like the crown
coming to kiss the feet of mercy
i lay every burden down
at the foot of the cross
at the foot of the cross
where i am made complete
you have given me life
through the death you bore for me
at the foot of the cross
at the foot of the cross
this 2nd mth. first mth n we had 9 tests..and im dying..den today in skool got back my chi test..almost wanted to tear it apart.
srious ah.i studied for it n i failed..failed so wad sumore..den haiya.
i had unhealthy thots entering my head..:/
n i got quite pissed with myself..its aready sec 4 n look at my results.they suck. n my maths still sucks.im like so much slower in understanding. dun even noe wad i doin sumtimes..den ither ppl r like so smart.
den latr got back geog.wa lao. even my better subjects sucks lor.like only B3..not even an A.n quite alot of ppl did better..dun even noe wad will happen to my lit n bio test la. every time will say fail di fail di but when they get back they do quite well..
not refering to anyone in particular..and sorry..just venting my anger.
and my health sucks now.had stomach churning the whole day.and diarrhoea..im realy sorry god.
complainin is a sin.
i promise i wun do dis again.
i will not do badly agn.
i will study harder den ever.
just give me strengtth.
i lay every burden down
at the foot of the cross *my heart burns for you'
you see past all my lies.
grace that blows all fear away.
Friday, February 18, 2005
im so dead.
feeling so lifeless and dead.
did maths just now.my new tuition teacher..and i dono? tink her teaching quite weird..like she mk no sense n ya..dun tink its the correct way but oh well.
haiya.mondays test dono how i gonna do. lord please help me.
i did well for chi test.41.5 upon 50!! really thank god..i studied really hard n crazy for that.i saw others nv study as hard as i did n got like so high..but oh well.i cant let the devil distract me wif that.im happy i got so high marks.
den pz so irritating.the nt day i was reading my book in his class.he wanted us to do the suo duan chang wen.den he say i get high marks dis time doesn mean i will do wellfor the nt.so walao. is he sayin i proud or wad.got quite stung.
i veh tired.
and im so fed up with myself.simple problem i cant solve.
today so tired.
skool den guides n tuition.
and anw bought my wallet.pooh.12.90..at mini toons..den i walk to intrchg saw a wallet which was quite nice n it was 8!! i was so iritated.n my pooh wallet is fat! so bulky.oh hecks. dowan to tink bout dis stuff.i areadi gave it to god. dowan mk myself feel worse.
tmr s gonna be a long day too.
Tuesday, February 15, 2005
ah haah.
i wanto buy a wallet.but i dono if i shuld..m i wating money? coz i got few purses at hm.but i dowan use purse.2 actualli.n a wallet which i tink doesn suit me.but haiyuh. i dono..n im tinkin of buyin the fox shirt.n the billabong wallet.its 27.90...izit ex? quite nice though.its yellow.
anw..i studied so hard for toidays chi test.if i fail.i tell you im so gonna cry lah.hai. but i have prayed to god bout it so i wun.
haha.anw today i went so mad la.in skool.doin ushers song n all the stupid stuff. so spastic.n i oso did the alarm..hahas..
shuckx.forgot got chi li jie wen da.compre.haiyuhhh.
i gtg and doo!!!
i love you_____________more than life
Sunday, February 13, 2005
went teri's hse to make the tiramisu yest.well turned out it wasn chilled enuf.oh wells.
anw.got chi test on tues.n im so sian studying it.
i hate chinese.
cny was ok..ate alot.shuckx. so piggy.haiyo! can see all the fats cumin out.:(
anw now listenin to immortal.brings back alot of horrible memories.
but i thank god.
he has taken all my pain n stuff. erased my memory.
and i forgot wad i wanted to say.
haiyuh.it sucks to haf bad memory.
oh i bought jeans! ahaha! my first pair of jeans dat reali belongs to me. n i bought 1 racerback.one sleeveless at fox. one cardigan at bossini.jeans fm there too.n a skirt fm fox! im so hapy.im gonna buy a wallet too.get a proper one.my pink one is geettin soo black. yuck.
gor forgot to bring his phone to camp.so im gettin it dis week.haha.
but no bringin to skool..dads orders. n he is so irritating.comparing my pocket money n wanting to cut down.crazy.
my world revolves arn studying.
how boring is that. well at least i dun haf any distractions.
well..just afew matters but i wun tink bout them.
ok.its 930 i shuld be off now.
only at H of the sec 2 er shang.
god in you i trust.
help me//
Saturday, February 05, 2005
went lene's chrch today. went mad durin worship.not dat mad la.
haha. anw enjoyed myself. e ppl quite mad n laohong.specially lene's cell..hahas..and i made a covenant wif god! to stay single til 19. but im gonna mk it 20 or 21.yup. so guys stay out of my rship way! hahas. im not gonna waste time thinkin bout stupid things but rather spend it on my close frens n god n studies.
yupp. anw five for fighting rocks. think nyc report n something bout you is so nice.
anw. tmr nite is gonna be soooo exciting!!! there is black hawk down!! got ORLANDO BLOOM, EWAN MCGREGOR, AND JOSH HARNETT!! ahhh. they r all so cuteee! ahhahaha. *grins widely. im so gonna watch.
and mondya theres noooo tests! so happy.haha.only got stupid ting xie.haha. im so happy. n tmr got project. goin lene's hseeeeee.mayb goin to swim in the evening.=]
we are all god's prince/princess.
so EVERYBODY! love urselves! never think u are not good enuf. coz god's love is unconditional and he loves you soooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo much!
Friday, February 04, 2005
im researching now.
for tsunami..n wad singapore did to aid..
woah..din noe we did so much..
listenin to NYC weather report by five for fighting..
its so nice..hahas.so happy gor got the cd..
i thank god!!
i did so well for lit! =] and im so happy..least sumting i did well for..kinda encouraging but kinda depressing..hahass.
ok.i feel mad.anw i went mad in skool today.
singin usher's yeah.den i was snapping my fingers n lizard saw me n he lafed.charlene was so amused..hahas..n i felt so spastic.
goin lene's chrch tmr.
yupp.im gonna wait for my true love.ahhahas. how romantic it will be.
and it is so shiook now.i dun like anybody.im just so focused on god n my studies..=] hahas.
im so happy.
im so happy.
i feel like dancin.but its so hot.
Wednesday, February 02, 2005
at the foot of the crooss
where grace and suffering meet
you have shown me your love
through the judgement you received
and you've won my heart
and you've won my heart
now i can
*trade these ashes in for beauty
and wear forgiveness like the crown
coming to kiss the feet of mercy
i lay every burden down
at the foot of the cross
at the foot of the cross
where i am made complete
you have given me life
through the death you bore for me
at the foot of the cross
at the foot of the cross
this 2nd mth. first mth n we had 9 tests..and im dying..den today in skool got back my chi test..almost wanted to tear it apart.
srious ah.i studied for it n i failed..failed so wad sumore..den haiya.
i had unhealthy thots entering my head..:/
n i got quite pissed with myself..its aready sec 4 n look at my results.they suck. n my maths still sucks.im like so much slower in understanding. dun even noe wad i doin sumtimes..den ither ppl r like so smart.
den latr got back geog.wa lao. even my better subjects sucks lor.like only B3..not even an A.n quite alot of ppl did better..dun even noe wad will happen to my lit n bio test la. every time will say fail di fail di but when they get back they do quite well..
not refering to anyone in particular..and sorry..just venting my anger.
and my health sucks now.had stomach churning the whole day.and diarrhoea..im realy sorry god.
complainin is a sin.
i promise i wun do dis again.
i will not do badly agn.
i will study harder den ever.
just give me strengtth.
i lay every burden down
at the foot of the cross *
Rescued my soul, my Stronghold
lifts me from shame
lifts me from shame
shout it out (:
Forgiveness, security, power and love
grace that blows all fear away
blogger skins friendster hoops and yoyo getty
Nursing blog aaron bryan char's shop claudia daniel danitza debbie debkoh elizaBIRD esmond huey's photoblog huiyuan gabriel ong jade jared jingmin jolie jonkk jonT ian lynn liting joy melody michelle philDA rachel serminn sindhu stef sue ean timmo ting wanxin wieky xin en
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designer DancingSheep
grace that blows all fear away
all the brothers and sisters
blogger skins friendster hoops and yoyo getty
Nursing blog aaron bryan char's shop claudia daniel danitza debbie debkoh elizaBIRD esmond huey's photoblog huiyuan gabriel ong jade jared jingmin jolie jonkk jonT ian lynn liting joy melody michelle philDA rachel serminn sindhu stef sue ean timmo ting wanxin wieky xin en

of old.
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designer DancingSheep